V dalších ruských městech jsou viděny zvláštní světelné sloupy

Obyvatelé ruského Belgorodu pořídili snímky zářících světelných sloupů na obloze. (Foto: Twitter)
Současně se uvádí, že takové „sloupy“ jsou vidět z Moskvy, Murmansku a dokonce i Omsku.
#Russian Residents of Belgorod took images of glowing pillars of light in the sky.
— Makevet (@Makevet) October 4, 2022
At the same time, it is reported that such "pillars" are visible from #Moscow, Murmansk and even Omsk. pic.twitter.com/Uj4aXoK2dm
A video regarding those columns of light in Belgorod. Residents upload footage and at the same time, it is reported that such "pillars" are visible from Moscow, Murmansk and even Omsk. The residents themselves wonder what is the cause of this glow. https://t.co/V7tfeAdUoN pic.twitter.com/MCegrUnOXU
— News of Ukraine (@uasupport999) October 4, 2022
At this hour, #HalTurner is told that with the area covered by the light emissions from Belgorad, Omsk, Moscow, and Murmansk, US/NATO surveillance satellites now cannot see a full fifty percent of Russian nuclear missile siloshttps://t.co/VaXK0CYYYd pic.twitter.com/k2Pw7zO88m
— Leander (@LeanderWoltinge) October 5, 2022