„Deportujte ihned!“. Němci protestují po vánočním útoku

Němci vyšli v sobotu večer do ulic Magdeburgu, aby protestovali proti smrtícímu útoku na vánoční trh, který spáchal 50letý přistěhovalec ze Saúdské Arábie. (Foto: X)
Útok, při němž v pátek večer došlo k nabourání autem, si vyžádal pět mrtvých a 200 zraněných.
🇩🇪German media is LYING about the Christmas market attack🇩🇪
— Beat (@BeatAusBerlin) December 22, 2024
They try to convince the German people, that this terrorist act was a far right attack by an AfD connected assassin. This is not true. He wanted to punish Germans, he wanted to kill Germans and he was an Arabic migrant.… pic.twitter.com/v0w33oI7LL
BREAKING: Thousands of Germans are currently protesting in Magdeburg against Mass Immigration after the Christmas market attack by a Saudi Arabian immigrant yesterday.
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) December 21, 2024
The people of Germany are NOT going to play nice anymore. They’ve had enough. pic.twitter.com/i6Baj8QNgW
„Obrovské protesty v Německu, výzvy k hromadným deportacím po teroristickém útoku na vánočním trhu,“ uvedl jeden z uživatelů X.
It’s hard to get an overview of how many German cities saw street protests tonight,
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 22, 2024
calling for a stop of mass-immigration and deportations of criminal & unassimilated migrants.
1 protest took place in Magdeburg.
The protest seen in this video took place in Bautzen pic.twitter.com/GgS06hZRsO
Mají už Němci konečně dost katastrofální politiky otevřených hranic?
Huge protests in Germany, calling for mass deportations following the terrorist attack at a Christmas market.
— Dr. Maalouf (@realMaalouf) December 21, 2024
Numbers are increasing by the minute!
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) December 21, 2024
People are out protesting on the streets of Germany tonight against open borders.
This comes after the terr*r attack at the Christmas market yesterday.pic.twitter.com/Slid64E6VR